Friday, December 26, 2008

There are some things you just shouldn't share

Today's Assignment

With all those holiday gatherings, make conscious efforts to keep yourself healthy.
1. Avoid excesseive amounts of Sugar and processed food that affects our immune system According to studies, complex system from chemical processed sugar and processed foods destroys human immune system. Examples of these are sodas, candies, cookies, ice cream and chips. We must avoid these or take in minimally as possible

2. Eat fresh foods (fruit and vegetables) that supply needed vitamins and minerals
Experts say that majority of vitamin C in oranges and citrus, decreases when processed.
Vitamins and minerals such at Vitamin C, E, A, Zinc and magnesium help and support us to achieve strong immune system. As possible, we must consume reasonable quantity of fresh whole foods like cherries, berries, apple and green leafy vegetables, broccoli, carrot and sweet potatoes.

3. Ger enough Sleep and Rest. 8 to 10 hours sleep a day strengthens the immune system.
While you are sleeping and resting at night, you are being recharged the following day.
So, it better to maintain enough sleep at night, although naps during daylight help in making the immune system strong.
4. Stress and Fatigue, weakens our immune system. The best way to fight colds and flu is adequate rest. Fatigue and stress depletes the immune system. If you feel weak in between work, try to relax for a while and better yet if your can take a nap to immediately recover and avoid being eaten up by stress.
5. Wash hand thoroughly and maintain good personal hygiene. The most frequent way for transmitting micro-organism is through our hands. So, we must wash our hands with soap and water to maintain cleanliness and avoid the direct transfer of germs that bring us various illnesses. This is not only with our hands but also with our body and personal hygiene and sanitary environment.

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