Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I gotta go!

Today's Assignment
Learn how to make an emergency Chemical toilet

Place the following supplies in a 5-gallon plastic container with handle and tight lid. The items can be removed when creating the makeshift toilet.

4 gallon capacity white wastepaper basket plastic bags and ties
6 large (32 gallon) trash bags and ties
rubber gloves
small can of lysol disinfectant
small bottle of cholorine bleach
deodorizer tablets or baking soda
3M-type scrubbing sponge or scouring pad
folding camp shovel with serrated edge
waterproofed toilet paper ( 6-8 rolls)
hand soap
pepto bismol tablets
small towels, paper towels

Remove the stored contents from the bucket, insert one of the 4-gallon capacity plastic bags into the bucket and fold the edges over its rim. Mix one cup of liquid chlorine bleach to 1/2 gallon of water ( one-to-ten ratio- do not use dry or powdered bleach). Place lid tightly on bucket. To use, remove lid and secure another lid with hole cut out ( you can also purchase a toilet seat which will fit on bucket from an outdoors/preparedness store). After use, pour or sprinkle into toilet a small amount of Pine Sol, chlorine bleach, baking soda, etc, and replace lid securely. When the bucket is 1/3 to 1/2 full, tie the garbage bag liner shut and dispose of properly ( i.e. bury it, place inside large covered metal garbage can liner for later disposal, or place in approved disposal location.) Put another liner inside the bucket for future use.

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