Thursday, January 8, 2009

Frugal WArdrobe

Today's Assignment
Learn how to maintain your current wardrobe and how to shop frugally for needed items

Frugal Wardrobe Tips

Rather than always buying new (or new to you) clothes, take good care of the clothing you already own. Make sure to repair tiny tears before they become huge rips (a stitch in time really does save nine!), treat stains as quickly as possible before they have a chance to set, store clothes properly (not in a heap on the floor), replace buttons or zippers when they need it. When you do need to buy clothing, stay away from trendy items, which are often poorly made and will soon go out of style, and focus on classic pieces that are well made. If you must have trendy items, make it accessories, which are much less expensive to update. Try to stick to a simple color palette, no more than 2 or 3 main colors. That will give you more options for outfits. If you want to add more color, do it with accessories.

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