Friday, January 23, 2009

Raising Kids on the Cheap

Today's Assignment

Learn a few new ways to save money while raising your family
Ten Tips for Raising Kids on the Cheap

1.Learn to say “No,” to extras children don’t need. This helps children learn the difference between needs and wants.

2. Shop garage sales, thrift stores and discount stores. Great buys can be found on clothing & toys.

3. Use coupons. Careful planning can cut your grocery bill in half.
4.Limit extracurricular activities.

5. Take advantage of free, family community activities. Local parks and libraries are great sources of information.

6. Choose cell phone plans carefully. Save money with a family plan or limit usage for children.

7. Trade babysitting services with other parents.

8. Consider store brands for diapers, formula, cleaning products and frequently used household items.

9. Join a school car-pool.

10. Plan joint celebrations such as birthday or graduation parties with other family members or friends.

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