Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Free Immunizations!

Today's Assignment

Review your children's immunization records. If they are not up to date on their recommended immunizations, make an appointment with their primary care giver. If you do not have insurance, take advantage of one of Mesa's free immunization clinics TONIGHT from 5-7pm Mesa Fire Department 1105 E 2nd Ave. For alternate dates and locations, click HERE

What to bring:
*Bring your child and your child's immunization record to the program. If the record is lost, you may obtain replacement records from your child's last school, last doctor, or any health department that may have administered previous immunizations.
*If your child's school has sent home a letter regarding immunizations, bring that to the clinic.
*You are not required to bring any other documentation including birth certificates, although bringing your child's Social Security number is helpful.
*Arrive early! Anyone arriving at any clinic in the last hour may not be seen depending upon the number of people in line

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